Back to Blogging

After a long hiatus I've decided to start blogging again.

Maybe at first only once a week. I don't have a schedule in mind but blogging was always an integral part of my writing practice.

I've missed it. I've missed the regular readers. Missed the comments that weren't spam. Missed the reading and commenting on some of my favorite blogs. The idea that something I shared could be helpful to a fellow creative soul.

For awhile I concentrated on content writing and paid blogging assignments came my way. The money was good but I lost my voice, when you're writing for someone else's blog/website there are of course do's and don'ts and lots of SEO talk and views and Google the past couple of years I've lost my daily writing practice and blogging is where I started. A warm up of sorts, morning pages not Julia Cameron style ( three pages, longhand, stream of consciousness writing) but a checking in and hitting the keys practice, a journal that is meant to be shared.

What keeps you writing? Is blogging part of your creative writing practice? Do you write morning pages?