7 Ways to Keep The Passion for the Writing Life

Life can't ever really defeat a writer who is in love with writing, for life itself is a writer's lover until death - fascinating, cruel, lavish, warm, cold, treacherous, constant. ~Edna Ferber, A Kind of Magic, 1963

Writers who feel a passion for writing might consider writing their constant companion. And with every relationship there are good times and bad. Times that you are in love with writing and times you wish you could end the relationship and start another hobby. How do you keep the spark in your writing relationship? How do you fuel the passion for writing week after week?

1. Experiment with different forms of writing, within and out of your genre

2. Try writing in another voice that is far removed from what you usually write

3. Read genres you normally wouldn't read

4. Attend poetry readings and read every time, make a name for yourself and support fellow poets, artists and writers

5. Join a critique group or your local writers group and actively participate

6. Use other forms of art to prompt your writing; attend art and history museums, take a watercolor class, explore collage, altered art, or photography. Write about the experience and write about the memories that the art brings to the surface

7. Find a writing partner and collaborate on a writing project or just check in on a regular basis as an accountability partner

Today, start your own list of writing styles or forms you might want to try. Spend some time this week reading the local paper or free independent papers and find out what's available in your area to explore. Maybe there's a book signing or a photography hike, a venue that needs someone to start poetry readings, a critique group looking for new members...Now get back to work!

The Writing Nag

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